Erin with one of her favorite friends from Luleå |
Hi hi hiiiiiii everyone!! We have had the best week in like the history of ever....ready for this super cool news??
1. MATILDA IS GETTING BAPTIZED ON SATURDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh my goodness oh my goodness. She is just the best and we are just SO excited. We had a lesson with her this week and she was having a super hard time with her family and friends not accepting her baptism and everything....and then Malena came in. This is why we have member present lessons people!! Haha Malena was like, "Bara kör!!" to Matilda, which means "Just do it!!", and as soon as she said that, Matilda was 100% in. She wrote down her entire baptismal program on the back of her baptismal calendar....and here we are now! August 15th is coming soon :) I really don't think I could be more happy for her. She is the most perfect member already and I am so excited for her baptism. Lots of pics will be sent, I promise :)
2. Elin is getting baptized in October!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We had a really good lesson with Elin, and when we brought up a baptismal date for October 10th, she was just like "Sure, okay!". Uhhhh....like cool. We'll def plan on that. We called President Beckstrand to report our second baptismal date in two days, and he was so impressed. I felt cool. Haha now I'm just nervous for his expectations for us....but. Matilda and Elin both came to church yesterday and loved it. I feel so blessed to be here in Lund right now and get to be friends with them!! There is seriously nothing better than being a missionary right now. I feel so happy allllllll the time :)
The "funeral" |
So there is our big spiritual news of the week. Haha! We have had just a crazy week....It was transfer week, which means we had missionaries going home :( We held a "funeral" on the beach for Elder Beck and Elder Taggart in Malmö (may they rest in peace) and buried them in sand. We were getting the weirdest looks from all the beach goers as we read their eulogies sent in by their mission sons (elders they trained)....hahaha it was so fun though. I already miss everyone who went home! You would think when you come on a mission that you are done saying goodbye to people, but it just gets worse..it's fine. We'll all be together and friends at some point. :)
The tripan eating free cookies! |
Aaaaand we got to be in a tripanionship for a day! Syster Barrett in Malmö was companion-less for 2-ish days, so we went down to Malmö and bonded with her. Being in a tripan is an interesting experience...hahah. We felt like a total gang when we tried to street contact. Totally surrounding a person and being all "Be a Mormon. It's the cool thing to do" hahah so fun. And we got frozen custard!! B and I found a frozen custard place in Malmö like 3 weeks ago and we have already been there twice...they call it American Spin Cream. It's so goooooood. :) But the tripan was fun! Syster Barrett is just the cutest. I'm excited to go on splits with her.
It's been so hot again...like okay it's been in the 70's again and we have been dying. Climate acclimation is real. But we will continue enjoying our summer while you guys all get ready for school ;) We are headed to Stockholm tomorrow and we will be in Malmö on Thursday, so we have lots of fun traveling this week! It will be good :)
Haha I just love you all! Hope you have a wonderful week and do lots of fun things and appreciate every last second of summer!
xoxoxo Sister Mod
Cute Swedish houses |
The Grand Hotel in Lund |
Äldste Downing and Syster Mod perfecting the art of Swedish pancake-making |
Because why not? |
Flying kites for FHE |
Last district lunch before transfers.
Erin is still obsessed with rune stones :) |
Another favorite friend! |
The Wirtala family who Erin knows from Luleå! Such a fun surprise to see them! |
Well, the nacho cheese-flavored taco shells didn't really make it in one piece from America.... |
....but the sisters were still happy to have them! Haha! |
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