Making cookies with Anuka. |
Hello!!!! :) This entire week was just an adventure. My mission has made me love trying new things, and that is a really good thing, because that is all we did this week!
On Monday, we hung out with the senior couple here in Lund, the Niebuhrs :) They are the sweetest people in the world! We went and got authentic African food (s/o to my dad who served his mission in South Africa...idk how you did it EVERY single day. #warrior)...haha no it was actually super good. It amazes me how different food is in every country. I just need to travel to every country in the world....anyone who wants to contribute to my travel fund is more than welcome ;) I'm gonna need it! ;) We also played some good old Phase 10 with the Niebuhrs and had a good fun rainy pday :)
On Tuesday, we ended up making chocolate chip cookies with Anuka, one of the Young Women here, for the early morning seminary class the stake has. Everyone went nuts....we were making them at the institute center during a stake meeting, and I cannot tell you how many people from the stake came and poked their heads in just to "say hello"....hahah. You can't beat an American chocolate chip cookie made by an American! :)
We also got to do some service for a member family, the Ahlströms, this week. We helped their daughter outside and I LOVE YARDWORK YOU GUYS. This is definitely a new thing...hahah I just miss being outside and pulling weeds. I love pulling weeds....yeah issues haha but we had so much fun with Marion. She did a foreign exchange year in Bountiful, Utah, so we have SO much to talk about. It is so fun :) Beckstrom chased a chicken and caught it and we had a good time. :)
Seeing people they know in Copenhagen. |
Aaaaaaaaand we went to the TEMPLE with MATILDA!!!! Yay yay yay yay yay!!!! I love ward temple day. We rode with the Niebuhrs and met everyone there and we got to do baptisms with her and the young women :) It was SO much fun!! I can't remember the last time I did baptisms. It was so nice to be able to do something that I love so much :) And we saw Elder Held!!!!! And missionaries in Copenhagen were having a huge zone training, so I was able to see a few people I knew from the MTC :) I have friends in Denmark that I can just casually meet at the temple. What. Is. My. Life. It was so fun :)
After the temple, we got some Danish food from a deli and headed to an awesome castle called Kronborg Slot. It was AMAZING. Moat and dungeons and everything!! You can see Helsingborg in Sweden just across the ocean. I remember last fall looking at Kronborg from the Sweden side of the ocean and wondering if I would ever get over there.....Check!! :) It was so much fun to be able to see how Scandinavian royalty used to live. I would have fit right in...hahah. ;)
Kronborg Slot |
The inside of the castle. |
We ended the week with church, and watching Meet the Mormons Sunday night with Elin and Matilda and a bunch of YSAs!
Sooooooo yeah. It was a really good week :) I feel incredibly blessed to be here right now and life is happy!! Love you all!!
xoxoxo Syster Modersitzki
Cute old hotel and church |
The ballroom inside the castle. |
The ferry ride back to Sweden. |
On the ferry with the Niebuhrs. Thanks for taking them on an adventure! |
A bit windy? |
Helsingborg, Sweden |
Red day! |
Catching chickens at the Ahlström's. |
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