Monday, July 21, 2014

Kubb, Cats and Carina

Hej everyone!! It has been another solid week of missionary-ing:) I hope you all had a good week!
This week we have been working a lot with the youth in the branch, and it has been so fun. Swedes are incredibly quiet, but when you get them talking, they are all super funny. We are just bringing out the American in them;) We played volleyball with them last pday and have been inviting them to activities and lessons and I love it! We have also gone to this restaurant with them called American Pizza Place...I miss American pizza. Swedes do not understand. You are not allowed to put bananas and curry on a pizza. We also had a Kubb tournament on Saturday with the entire ward, and I dominated. Kubb is this Swedish lawn game where you throw sticks at wooden doesn't sound fun haha but it rocks!
Carina has started her family history work so she can go to the temple to do baptisms next month! I am so excited. She has gotten really excited too. We showed her how works, and the next time we came back to visit her, she had already done a huge portion of her family tree! I think she will love the temple. Who doesn't love the temple?
Speaking of, I got to go through the Stockholm temple this week! A member and his wife drove us down (the entire 2 hours! they are so sweet!) so we could do a session. It was soooooo awesome. I love the temple. The session was in English and I felt right at home:)
I also found out that I am allergic to cats this week...We helped a member clean her house, and she has 3 cats. I have never sneezed so much in my life. It was so funny! But I am actually totally fine with being allergic to cats because I don't think I will ever own one:)
On Sunday we had some American visitors at church! It wasn't the first time, but I just love hearing American accents. Haha. I had to translate back and forth little small talk conversations for them and I was so excited because I could actually do it! Yay for Swedish:) and yay for people who don't know Swedish and make me feel better about my own Swedish;)
After church, we went to the Sjökvist's house! They are a super awesome family, and I am setting up their oldest son with one of my sisters. By the end of my mission, I am going to have all of my siblings set up with Swedes;) But anyway. One thing that is really big here is salt lakrits, which is salted black licorice. I don't know if you can get any grosser, but okay. The Sjökvists think it is so funny that Americans tend to hate it, so they tried to brainwash us by giving us black licorice flavored stuff that you give to babies. ...It was actually pretty good but STAY STRONG AMERICANS. Keep red licorice alive and well. Salted black licorice is not a good thing.
And last but not least, I got asked out this week. My first time as a missionary:) He couldn't speak English or he didn't really understand no..but it doesn't matter because #stillgotit;) Haha!!
Well I LOVE YOU ALLLLLL!!!! Have a great 24th of July celebrating my ancestor pioneers:) I will be here dreaming of fireworks:)
sister mod :)
Draper, Utah connections (the town just around the mountain from Highland): Äldste Farnworth (who grew up in Draper), and a Swede that they met who lived in Draper for two years


  1. I have to take responsibility for the cats. ;-)

    1. I've seen pictures of your cats, Annicka, and I think they are so cute! I have to ask though, did you hear Erin sneezing? On a normal day she will sneeze at LEAST 3 or 4 times in a row. I can just imagine what she was doing that day! Hahaha! You're getting to know her well. :)
